Sunday, September 14, 2008

Earth Mama Angel Baby

I was first introduced to Earth Mama Angel Baby after my first son was born. I was attracted to how unique the products were to the pregnancyl & baby markets. There are very few products on the market that cater to the wide assortment that EMAB does and even fewer organic and natural products. My love for them was basically the beginning of my business. There was no where in Alaska to purchase these products, so it gave me a great idea to sell products at discount prices to provide other pregnant moms options.

Here are two of my favorites:

Both of these products are MUST HAVES after a normal vaginal birth. Who knows how many pregnancy books I've read, but in everyone of them they seem to skip over the part about after-birth soreness. I suppose it seems logical, but after my births I really had no idea how sore I would really be. These products helped sooth my stiches and sore bottom. The bottom balm is great for stitches, hemroids, tears or anything else that might be tender. It has a cooling effect and does not sting at all, but feels WONDERFUL!! The Bottom Spray is great for spraying after you go to the bathroom to relieve any soreness. It feels great and gives you that sense of CLEAN in an area you'd rather not touch for awhile!!

I'm currently selling both of these products in my store, so email me if you want to try them!! I have them on sale for 10% off the normal retail price and if you mention you saw them on this blog, I'll ship for free and sell you both for $23.00. They are currently $12.55 each


Shannon Major said...

Additional Plug: The nipple butter is fabulous for breast feeding mamas. I liked the protection of lanolin, but hated the sticky mess. This was the perfect alternative!

Also, the EMAB mama's milk tea! I didn't like the taste of the traditional medicine's brand. This one was smooth and comforting. It has great ingredients and works fabulous.

Thanks Alisa!