Thursday, September 18, 2008


In my quest of finding the "perfect" childbirth class to take, I came across Hypnobirthing by Marie Mongan. There was an instructor in the Valley (who has since moved away) and it worked out that my husband and sister could attend the classes with me. I was instantly impressed with the book, materials, and basic philosiphy behind the method. The book was small and very easy to read. It had so much new information that was not present in many other pregnancy books. The book came with a practice CD, which is a vital part to the program. In Hypnobirthing, or any other similar method, you HAVE to practice your relaxation skills. Most people have to train their bodies to relax, especially under extreme circumstances. Naturally, this will come easier to some people and harder for others.....but everyone can learn.

I think the most important part of this program is understanding the "FEAR" section and how it can effect your birth. I find it ironic that we never hear about the side effects of harboring fear during childbirth and yet this book has an incredible chapter on the origins of fear and how to release it. Obviously, there is a lot to possibly fear, so don't feel guilty....we all do! In reality, that fear is healthy and we only need to learn how to surpress it, rather than get rid of it all together. That same fear, is God-given to help kick in our instincts to protect our babies when needed.

Studies have shown that Hypnobirthing can greatly reduce the length of labor. The philosophy behind that theory makes sense....the more you relax that faster your body is able to work. My first labor would have held up true to this theory.....5 hours after my first contraction my son was born. So those of you looking into this method......go for it and remember to practice!!! Release those fears, relax, and embrace the process your body will go through to bring you your beautiful baby!!


Shannon said...

I wasn't able to take the hypnobirthing class, but I read the book. I agree that it really helped me focus my thoughts and perceptions of what was to come. I credit it with strengthening the confidence I had in myself which provided for such a wonderful labor experience.
Love you blog!