Tuesday, June 2, 2009


YEAH!! Bodey is finally walking!! He's been standing on his own for the past few months, but never quite brave enough to take the leap of faith. He would walk as long as your fingers were touching his, but the minute you drop them, he would fall to his knees and do his famous "Bodey Shuffle". My mother-in-law actually thought something was wrong with him and asked her doctor if he'd ever heard of a baby doing that....haha poor Bodey~ He just loved to walk around on his knees, almost more than crawling, which was so funny to watch.

Anyways....This past week, he's been a little more braver than usual and had taken a few steps here and there. Then on Thursday, he finally took more than 3 steps in a row!! The best part was he was soooo proud of himself. Even after he'd fall, he would get right back up and start walking again and smile at us the entire time, maybe cause he knew just how proud of him we were!! He is still a little unbalanced, so he looks sort of like a drunken sailor walking around. He also sometimes favors one leg over the other, so ends up doing a circle instead of walking across the room. We are having so much fun with his newly learned skill and the camera has been on standby and will be for awhile!!

I love it that my kids reach their milestones, but with each one, I also shed a tear knowing they'll never have that 1st again~