Sunday, November 30, 2008

Baby Food....

Where has time gone??? Busy is an understatement in my life right now~ I volunteer with the Miss America program in Alaska and run a local pageant the Miss Chugiak/Eagle River Scholarship Program. This year's pageant was November 15th, so from my last post until now, I've been busy almost every day with that. I know it's no excuse....I realy should make time for my blog. I promise to do better now that it's over. Yes, even with the holidays approaching, I will do better!!

Onto my topic......My youngest just turned 9 months and we've been dabbling with rice cereal and a few fruits. Ironically, he's just not interested in any way. He even gags when it's too thick and makes himself throw up. My first never really liked baby food either, until he was old enough to pick up pieces and feed himself. At 23lbs, I know he doesn't need it, but like to have something he can eat if I have to work. So, I'm off tomorrow to start making some of my own foods for him to see if I can get him to eat something new. I know most peditricians say you should start solids at 4 months, but I've always been very weary of starting that young. I guess out of fear of introducing allergies that may have otherwise been non existent had you started later. My peditrician always told me that it was fine to delay as long as the boys were healthy and growing. I'm not sure I have the correct answer, other than do what you feel is right as a mother. There are a lot of decisions that we, as mothers, have to make for our children and ultimately you have to do what you feel is right. Feeling pressured into feeding your kids to early, or guilt out of not feeding them early enough...really isn't fair to anyone. So, try not to I sit and try not to feel guilty that my child HATES food :)


Shannon said...

So good to hear your food story. Hailey was the same way. I tried the rice cereal and she snubbed her nose at it, no matter what I mixed it with. So I figured exclusive breastfeeding was fine. Finally at 9 months she started to show some interest in food. But it took an army to get her to eat a whole jar of baby food. She definitely prefers food she can feed herself. I am finding it challenging to come up with a creative menu that she will eat and that is healthy and diverse. You'll have to share what you come up with in the kitchen department. Hope everything else is going well with you Alisa. We'll have to get together one of these times we pass through the valley.