Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The holidays are over and I'm somewhat getting back to a normal schedule.....meaning free time to make posts~ I'm happy to announce my child who just turned 10 months is now eating some solids!! So, like I said previously....don't stress.....they eat when they are ready~ So far, he seems to like everything I give him.....I think something just clicked and he decided he wanted to eat like everyone else. Not that he needs it, at his 9 month appointment he weighed in at 24lbs!! My milk must be liquid gold.....maybe I could bottle it and sell it??? haha

As the New Year approaches (tomorrow), I'm reflecting back on how fast time flies.....I can hardly believe I don't really have a newborn anymore, but am happy to still be nursing and getting to share that special moment when he still feels like my baby! Breastfeeding has become my "crutch" as a mother and when I'm done nursing I ache to hold my baby again and nurse them. It's a bond that is hard to describe, but so incredibly strong and straight from God. Always remember to encourage new mothers to nurse and "keep at it" seems our society has made it way to easy for mothers to give up nursing and switch to bottle feeding. I know that some mothers are unable to and like myself, ache to be able to nurse their babies, so I'm never quick to judge anyone who is bottle feeding, but for those that are not in that situation.....we as a society need to gather around mothers and support their nursing efforts. Why is it that you never see a woman breastfeeding in movies??? I honestly cannot remember the last time I saw a mother nursing her baby in a movie. Absolutely crazy!

So next time you see a pregnant lady and feel you want to share advise....tell them how special your nursing experiences were...encourage them and tell them that no matter what, they will be incredible moms!


Staci said...

I think that's great advice, especially since it can be tough for the first few weeks - it's definitely nice to have some encouragement and gentle reminders of how wonderful nursing can be. I hope that you have a Happy New Year!