Saturday, March 14, 2009 I'm a little behind!!

After being inspired by so many cool blogs out there, I've somewhat decided to start posting more.....meaning, I promise to be more dedicated to my blog. I WANT GROUPIES TOO!!!

My life is full of laughter and as mothers we can all relate to those "funny moments" in life that you just stop and say....."Boy I hope we can remember this when he's 16!!"

So my journey begins and I only hope you'll join me.

We recently had to sit Brayden, my 3 year old, down and explain to him why using his manners with "Mimi and Papa" is a must. He often forgets his place with them and becomes the biggest bossy-butt I know. So, before Mimi & Papa came over the other day I reminded him to use his manners and be nice. He agreed and when the doorbell rang, he ran around like a crazy monkey full of excitement and ready to play. He quickly hugged and kissed me and told me to leave ....gee thanks, but I understood and was happy to go, knowing he is so secure with them. Just as I was leaving, I forgot something in my bedroom, so went back to get it. When I returned I heard Brayden say very directly and with the bossiest voice I've ever heard, "E-X-C-U-S-E...M-E..M-I-M-I...GO GET MY BALL"!!!! WHAT?? I immediately said, "Brayden....that's not what using your manners sounds like". He quickly corrected me...."But Moooooom, I said excuse me???"

Kids, you have to love them!!