Monday, July 20, 2009

Time to catch up!! Starting with the 4th of July!!

The 4th of July is a very important holiday in our household.....we celebrate our country's freedom everyday, but the 4th is a special day to remember what this country was founded on...Faith, Family, and Patriatism!!

This year we headed to my parent's annual 4th of July bar-b-que and the Chugiak 4th of July parade (which I've watched since we first moved up). Brayden loves parades and made sure to have a "special" bag ready for his treats!!

We stopped at the park before the parade was a hot day, so sitting in the sun for an hour waiting for the parade did not seem as fun as playing on the playground!! Bodey has gotten soo independent and insists on following Brayden wherever he goes, even if it's too big for him!! Thank goodness for Mimi to help me play "catch" when and if he ever fell!!

And of course we all have to dress the part, including Grandma!! We are proud to be Americans and proud of our country!! The parade was great and the kids made out like bandits thanks to the "Candy Cash Cow (aka Rural Discount Center)".....I totally teared up when a float with some Marines that had just returned from duty went by......I'm a sucker for soldiers and what they do for us!!! Remember to thank a soldier tomorrow!