Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Holiday Blessings

I have always loved holidays since I was a little girl. There is something so magical and exciting about them. Even now as an adult, I look forward to the time spent with family and always the GREAT food. As a mother/parent, you get to re-live all that magic with your children and it's absolutely the BEST!!

However, I have to admit I am guilty of using special holidays in my favor. I not only look forward to them for a time of happiness, excitement, and family.......I look forward to the bribes that lead up to the special day!!! I often wonder if it's wrong of me to abuse the holiday power, but then I quickly remind myself that these holidays were created by parents and I wouldn't doubt if this is why!!!! It's a secret "holiday code" that if you don't know yet, you need to!

Brayden is now old enough to understand that on holidays he usually gets some special treat. As Easter is upon us, I do my very best to explain why we celebrate Easter, because of course I want him to understand that Easter is not about the Easter Bunny, but Jesus. No matter how hard I try, a 3 year-old will always relate better to the Easter Bunny....especially when he thinks Tinker Bell lives with Jesus in Heaven. Oh well....I know in his little heart, Jesus is just as magical as the Easter Bunny and he is grateful that Jesus "keeps the monster's away and plays with Sparky and Chelsey in Heaven" (those are my mom's dogs who passed). And although Jesus and the Bible will always be taught in our home, I have always felt it was important to let my kids enjoy the same magic I felt as a child by believing in these holiday visitors!

This is where the fun part begins as a ultimately have the upper hand, because the Easter Bunny is only a phone call away! We tried not to tell Brayden that Easter is coming until we had to or else we wake up every morning to a semi-fit because EB didn't come that morning. Kids have no sense of time, so telling them it's still a week away means nothing to them! Lately, Brady has been having a little trouble with bedtime and the number 2 department....I strongly felt it was time to use the "Secret Code". By adapting the song "Santa Clause is Coming to Town".... I sang "You better go to bed, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you why....The Easter Bunny is coming to town...He knows when you are sleeping...He knows when you go poop on the potty, He knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!" So, we are on day two of saying "The EB is watching" whenever he needs a reminder......EVIL I know, but oh boy it works sooooo well!! Like I said, how can I feel guilty by just using my special "mom" power a few times a year! I may even make up a few holidays, just to have the same effect....cause there is an awful long time during the summer to go with no holidays!!! Try it, it's glorious!!! Kids will do anything for CANDY and a special treat!!


Ruth said...

As your mother, I tried to create Holidays for you all..I hope I did a good job! Create is the word because without us mothers and sometimes fathers "creating" the holiday, no holiday happens. And as you young mothers are learning, it is a lot of work and planning. But many blessing come from all the work! Those blessings are the memories you give your children.