Thursday, April 2, 2009

Selling Our Home

I can't believe we have finally started this process! And what a process it's been! Corey and I have known for a long time that one day we would be selling our home to find a 4 bedroom home for our family, but I just never thought it would all happen so fast. I made the decision to list it on Thursday and by Monday it was up. This meant.....I became an absolute wacko for about 4 days to get this thing cleaned worth of showing. Honestly, I hate to even admit this, but it's probably the cleanest it's ever been!!! haha

We have de-cluttered to the point that I no longer have any room in the crawl space and the Salvation Army has already received 2truck loads of goods!! I wish it was spring, cause I would have had an AMAZING garage sale!!

The past few weeks I've actually been inspired to clean, and I mean REALLY clean, my house and organize after watching Oprah's Clean Team Challenge. It really isn't that hard to go through one room at a time and clean it out. The guy suggests starting with 15 minutes a day. Pick a closet, drawer, toy box, etc...and go through it throwing anything away that is garbage, setting aside things to bring to the thrift store, and organizing what stays. It's amazing the things you can get rid of!!! I've actually even kept the good things to post on craigslist and have already made over $400 selling things!! The biggest lesson this guy wants to spread is how good you feel once you are free from clutter......It truly is one of the best feelings!!

Now that I'm living in a model home that is TOTALLY clutter free....I feel this sense of freedom and peace. Before, I never went to bed without thinking about all the things that needed to be done around the house. I even made To-Do lists and let them sit for months hoping they would motivate me, but in reality only made me feel even more guilty. I have learned my lesson!!! I will never again let clutter and messiness make me STRESSED!!! Life is absolutely too short to let small things like that upset you.

The best part of all of this is that if you truly dedicate the time to do this....You too could have it done in one weekend. It always seemed like my list was never ending and I would never be able to get through all of it in a month let alone a weekend. I'm here to tell you that I did of the world's biggest procrastinator and I actually accomplished it!! I'm BORED for the first time and now have time to play with my kids, work on scrapbooks, organize my makeup drawer, etc. The best medicine for the blues ever!!! I'm now making this my regular WINTER activity. Winter's always get me a little down, so something that transforms where you live and how you feel......SIGN ME UP!!!


Ruth said...

I guess you didn't inherit the OCD